Champion Tangaer Creme Caramel (Cyril). Winner of 11 CCs all with Best of Breed. His last being won at 7 1/2 years
old at Houndshow 2002, where he was also Reserve Best Veteran in Show. Cyril was Runner Up Welsh Top Dog in the Welsh Kennel Club
'Top Dog Contest' in 2000 and was out right Winner in 2001. |
| Champion Garwedd Du Greffier Du Roi at Tangaer (Gary).Winner of 3 CCs.
Gary has been Top Stud Dog in the breed from 2000 - 2005 inclusively. In 2003 he was 6th Top Stud Dog ALL BREEDS and in
2004 he was 8th Top Stud Dog ALL BREEDS. In 2005 he was Top Stud Dog for the Breed and Hound Group. His daughter Champion
Tangaer Jou Jou was Top Bitch in the Breed in 2004. Gary is the sire of 7 UK Champions to date. |
Champion & American Champion Tangaer Idris (Idris). Idris was the resident clown
when he lived here with us and life was certainly never dull when he was around! Idris is now living in the USA where he has quickly gained his American title. |
Champion Tangaer Magique (Mikey).Mikey won his 1st CC at Crufts 2007 under breed
specialist Vivien Phillips. He has followed that by winning a further 4 CC's so far in 2007, he has also has 14 RCCs. In August
2007 we went over to Ireland to compete on the Munster Circuit where Mikey exceeded all our expectations by winning BIS at both the
Hound Association of Ireland and The Bassest Hound Club of Ireland Championship Shows. Mikey also went on to win a further 3 group placings,
plus the Green Star and BOB at all six shows we attended. |
Tangaer Paris (Rodney). Rodney has
been shown very sparingly. But has managed to attain Reserve Best Puppy in Breed at Crufts 2007, Where his sister had Best Puppy in Breed, under Breed Specialist Vivien Phillips. At Humberside Hound Open Show 2008, he went Best of Breed
under Jolanda Huisman, breed specialist from Holland. At the BGV Club Open Show 2008 he went Reserve Best Dog, under Sue Brundle. Rodney is a delight to live with and a fun dog to have around. |
Champion Tangaer Jou Jou (Dottie). Winner of 7 CCs ( 2 won at Crufts 2004 & 2005) and 13 RCCs plus Top Bitch in the Breed in 2004.
Dottie has now retired from the showring. She told me "I dont want to do that anymore". She much prefers to hunt in the woods and fields, climbs the rocks in the quarry and generally do anything that involves dirty or mud!
One of her favourite pastimes is to roll in fox poo and then wonder why you don't want to cuddle her! |
Tangaer Pantouffles (Cilla). Cilla is litter sister to Rodney and is his constant shadow. They are the best of friends and can always be found together.
Cilla was Best Puppy in Breed at Crufts 2007, under Breed Specialist, Vivien Phillips and went one better at Crufts 2008 by winning The Bitch CC and
Best Opposite Sex. Winning this award from Postgraduate Bitch, where one of her litter sisters was second to her, Tangaer Plaisir d'Amour at Trapwell, and she was
awarded the Reserve Bitch CC, judge was Mrs Pam Aldous. |
Enklassique Kiss Me Quick at Lavierge (Red). Red is one of our stay at home girls. She came to live with me a few years ago and was shown briefly but really didn't enjoy the showring.
Red has more than made up for this by producing some beautiful puppies. Red has been mated to Tangaer Creme Caramel, for her last litter,
and is due to whelp in early May 2008. |
Tangaer Oopsadaisy (Daisy). Daisy got her name due to the sneaky way she was conceived. Nine weeks before her birth, her mum and two other bitches, all in season, were let out of the kitchen by Cyril
whilst I was on the phone. Five minutes later I returned to find the door open and Cyril in hot pursuit of all three of them. I immediately seperated them, thinking nothing had happened. How wrong can you be!
Daisy has had a limited show career but that said she has won, Reserve Best Puppy in Show at City of Swansea Show. Best in Show at Pembroke CS Show 2007. Daisy
also won the RBCC at Three Counties Show in 2007 and on her holidays to Ireland in August 2007, she also picked up 3 Green Stars, towards her Irish title. Daisy is in whelp to
a French Import, Tidou de la Font Francaise de Debucher , owned by Vivien Phillips and is due to whelp at the end of April 2008. |
American Champion Tangaer Lierre (Laura). Laura was only lightly shown while she lived with us
but she still managed to win 1 RCC. Laura now lives in the USA and became an American Champion in 2007. |